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Natacha Van de Reck (Ghent, Belgium) recently shifted her artistic focus towards the exploration of the canvas as material. While her earlier years were predominantly dedicated to painting on canvas, a newfound curiosity for the canvas has emerged, marking a significant evolution in her artistic journey.


Rooted in a profound fascination for natural materials, this transition finds its origins in Natacha's extensive background in sculpture, experimental art and textile design. Unfettered by the constraints of figurative storytelling, she delves into the search for a fresh perspective, or perhaps, a new kind of landscape. The catalyst for this exploration was her contemplation of the canvas preparation process, sparking an interest in the material itself.


Natacha Van de Reck methodically deconstructs the layers of the painting medium in order to reconstruct the canvas where each layer contributes to the overall composition, found in fabric, pigment, brush strokes and oil paint. Her artistic gaze is fixed on uncovering a poetic equilibrium within the fusion of materials, structures, and layers. The result is a harmonious symphony that resonates both tangibly and visually, propelling her artistic endeavors forward.





2008-2009 LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, Textile Design (1y MAnaMA)

2005-2008 LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, Experimental Media (Master)

2003-2005 LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, Sculpture



2024: Vandekerckhove & Bar, Ghent (BE) - solo

           Approachable Art, Campo & Campo, Antwerp (BE) - group

2023: Klein Sculptuur, cc Zwannenberg, Heist-Op-Den-Berg (BE) - group

           Buy Local 2023, Kunsthal Ghent (BE) - group

           Expo, AD30 Ghent (BE) - solo

2022: Opening Arsenaal Site, Ghent (BE) - group


Selected entry (cancelled due to covid)

2020: Selected for YOC, Hasselt (BE)

           Selected 2nd round Delphian Gallery, Londen (UK)



2020: Performance “Trouble in Paradise”, Transfo Zwevegem (BE)

2014: Soloshow "Dirty Thirty", Tinnenpot, Ghent (BE)

sponsered by Circuscentrum

2012: Performance “Lucky Manuelo”, Braakbal festival, Ghent (BE)

          Painting performance, Gentse feesten (BE)


Project Grants

2014: Grant Circuscentrum for the creation of "Dirty Thirty"


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